Our Preserves remain open to the public who are able to walk from their homes. Please be respectful to our neighbors and our community and do not park on streets surrounding the preserves.
Please be advised that the FLC has been contacted by the Sheriff's Department and informed that vehicles parked with the intent to access ANY preserve may be cited for violation of the health order.
While on trails, keep 6 feet from others and only hike with members of your household. The County now also recommends wearing a mask in public.
FLC urges you to educate yourself on the most recent health order, which can be found here: https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/hhsa/programs/phs/community_epidemiology/dc/2019-nCoV/health-order.html
Specifically, Addendum 1 to the County of San Diego's Health Officer Order states:
All public parks and recreation areas shall comply...Parking lots at such facilities shall be closed and all such facilities shall be accessible only from members of the public within walking distance of the facility. Said facilities shall be used solely for walking, hiking, equestrian or bicycle riding. The public shall not congregate or participate in active sports activities at said facilities.
**please note that FLC preserves are NOT open to equestrian and mountain biking users**
We hope that our FLC family understands that our intent is to maintain safe open spaces for everyone to enjoy.
We hope to see you on the trail once this passes. Stay safe & healthy!
Our preserves are host to hundreds of native mammal, bird, and reptile species and offer seasonal homes for migratory birds as well.
Biologists on our Technical Advisory Board conduct periodic surveys, and visitors also report on species they observe.
Most of our preserves offer excellent bird watching opportunities and observant visitors can often spot many of the reptiles and mammals that call northern San Diego county home.
For a complete catalog of all the animals that have been spotted on our preserves, click on the links below.
Reptiles & Amphibians on FLC Preserves
If you think you've seen a bird or animal not currently listed here, please Contact Us, giving animal name and on which preserve you saw it.