Durling Preserve
CLOSED TO PUBLIC for habitat protection.
These 184 acres in the Del Luz area near the Riverside county line represent 5 years of negotiations in partnership with Camp Pendleton's buffer project and the property owners, Don and Peggy Durling.
Half of the appraised cost of $662,000 was raised from the sale to the Navy of a conservation easement that prohibits development of the property. The other half of the purchase price was donated by the Durlings, local residents who owned the property. The FLC will own and manage the land in perpetuity as a nature preserve.
This property adds to protected open space in the Santa Margarita watershed, supporting primarily native chaparral and coast sage scrub species, with riparian woodlands along the drainage that flows into De Luz creek.
While the new property is now closed to the public for biological and other studies, future plans may include hiking trails.