Our Land
The FLC is proud to protect more than 3000 acres of critical habitat for wildlife and open spaces for recreation.
Our Preserves are home to a diverse array of plants and animals. Remember, this habitat is their home. Please be aware:
- rattlesnakes can be found on any of our preserves. While most active in warm months, they can be out even in winter during warmer days. Do not stray off trails.
- mountain lions range through some of our preserves and have even been spotted at a few of the preserves within town.
- coyotes can pose a danger to small dogs that stray from owners.
- poison oak is plentiful in riparian areas and can grow close to trails, and the oils can be picked up on the coats of animals.
Visiting Our Preserves

Whether for exercise, bird watching, spectacular scenery, or just to commune with nature, we invite you to visit our preserves.
Please remember - these are preserves, not parks. Their primary purpose is to protect native habitat and wildlife, not to provide a place for human recreation.
For a safe and rewarding experience, and to help us keep our preserves open to the public, Please: Take water, especially in hot summer months.
Wear appropriate clothing for the conditions and don't hike alone.
Pack out all trash - help us keep the land litter-free.
Dogs must be on a leash, for their safety as well as to protect wildlife. Please PICK UP THE POO! For information on the impact dogs have on land, read
"The Effects of Dogs on Wildlife".
Do not disturb plants or wildlife.