Village Green

small donations. big impact.
Participating businesses add 1% to a customer’s bill (giving customers the option to opt out if they wish) and the proceeds are donated to the Fallbrook Land Conservancy to preserve the area’s views, open space, wild habitat, native species, and trails.
Benefits to Our Partners
As a thank you for your commitment to the Village Green program, your business will be promoted by the Fallbrook Land Conservancy in the following ways:
• There is NO cost to you.
• E-blasts to our hundreds of members encouraging their patronage to your business.
• Links to your business on our website
• Advertising in the The Conservation Chronicle, our bi-annual newsletter.
• Posting to our Facebook pages alerting our 1,500 followers of your participation in the program.
• Custom promotional material for distribution at your business location.
• Your logo printed on our Village Green banner to be displayed at FLC events.
Because when you thrive, we thrive.
Village Green Partners